Is bad sleep holding you back in your life? Is it making you grumpy, depressed and stagnant? 

Are you stressed, overwhelmed, in need of a rest?

Believe it or not, bad sleep is one of the main causes of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Fix your sleep and you can fix your anxiety. We are all much brighter, fuller and happier people after a good night’s sleep.

After a year of terrible sleep, waking up at 2 am every night and spending hours trying to doze off I managed to retrain my brain into a healthy sleep pattern using yoga nidra.

Yoga Nidra improves your baseline dopamine by a staggering 65%. Yoga Nidra makes you happy! And happy people sleep well.

Bad sleep comes from having an anxious mind, a maladaptive nervous system response, and too many worries that are left unresolved in your mind.

My course uses Yoga Nidra to help you reset your mind, restore balance, and finally achieve deep, restful sleep. In just 28 days, you'll learn proven techniques to calm your mind, reset your body clock, and wake up feeling rejuvenated


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparing for Sleep Success
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1 - Calm Mind = Deep Sleep
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 - Resetting your Circadian Rhythm
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3 - Sleep Recovery - Melatonin Magic
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4 - Bone Deep Sleep
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Overcoming Common Sleep Challenges
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Integrating Yoga Nidra into Your Daily Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Week 1 - Foundations for Restful Sleep

Learn the basics of how sleep works, uncover what might be disrupting yours, and start building habits that promote better rest.

Week 2 - Calming the Mind

Dive into mindfulness techniques that soothe your mind and prepare it for deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Week 3 - Resetting your Circadian Rhythm

Align your daily routine with your body’s natural rhythms to wake up feeling more energised.

Week 4 - Yoga Nidra for Deep Healing

Harness the power of Yoga Nidra to restore your body and mind on the deepest levels.

Bonus - Bedtime Yoga Practice

You will also receive this bonus section, a 20-minute yoga class to help ground you before bed. We will move through very simple and grounding yoga postures that are designed to prepare your body for deep sleep.

Bonus - The Sleep Toolkit

This is one of the most important documents you will ever use! This toolkit contains a step-by-step plan of changes you can begin making right now to improve your sleep.

What’s Included in the Course

This course is for anyone struggling with restless nights and poor sleep. Through weekly lessons, guided meditations, Yoga Nidra practices, and four 1-1 personalized sleep coaching sessions, you’ll learn techniques to rewire your brain and transform your sleep for good.

Your instructor

About Sion Jones
With over a decade of experience as a certified yoga instructor and specialized training in Yoga Nidra, Sion Jones is passionate about helping others improve their sleep and well-being. His journey began as a personal quest for better health and has grown into leading retreats across the UK and Europe. As a trusted expert, Sion has appeared on live BBC television and radio, sharing his knowledge of holistic health and the science of sleep.

Choose a Pricing Option

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take until I start sleeping better?

It takes around ten days to reset your circadian rhythm using the tools in this program. Most people will experience a significant improvement in their sleep by then. Learning to sleep better using yoga nidra can take a little longer, by the end of the program you will have all the tools you need to begin sleeping better, deeper, and for longer.

When does the course begin?

The program begins on October 14th and opens for enrollment the week before. You will need 15 minutes a day to practice the meditation, this is done in your own time so whenever suits you.

Do I need experience in Yoga Nidra or meditation to do this program?

In short, no you don't need experience to do the program. It is designed to introduce you to the practices slowly so that you can begin to build them into your daily life.

What does the Gold Package include?

In the Gold Package, you're not just signing up for the sleep program—you're also receiving four 50-minute 1-1 sessions with Siôn, where we will design a specific routine for your sleep. Siôn will also give you tailored yoga nidras specific to your needs and give you invaluable 1-1 sleep advice, ensuring that you are on the right path. These sessions can be booked at a time that suits you

What happens at the end of the 28 days?

Even though the program is designed to be completed over 28 days you will receive lifetime access to it. So you can complete the program at your own pace. It is updated four times a year with new guided meditations and nidra practices. The program is also designed to provide you with the necessary tools to continue the process alone once the 28 days ends

How much spare time do I need to do the program?

There are three different meditations to suit your schedule, ranging from 10 mins to 20 mins. The Nidra practices are typically 15/20 minutes a day. So you will need to be able to allocate around 25 minutes a day for the program. There are options to mediate for longer if you wish as well as explore other practices, but this is not necessary.

What others have to say about the Siôn's courses

" I had my doubts in the beginning, about how life altering this program actually will be. How could I change all these negative patterns in 3 months? But here I am, a graduate, and a different person. I go with a big smile through life now. I am present. I am calm. I am hopeful. I wouldn't have described myself as someone with anxieties before. It was only during the program that I realised my anxieties and negative, self-descrutive patterns. The best part is that I feel this is just the beginning. There is so much more to learn and unlock, and with this 3 month program I feel equipped for my personal journey. Thank you Sion, so much."

Jenny, Liverpool

Before I started the program, I felt like I was a mess; my anxiety and other emotions were too much. I had done yoga classes with Sion before, and when I saw he was doing this mindfulness program, I enrolled immediately. The combination of the course materials that I could access when suited me, and being able to have weekly one-to-one sessions were fantastic. Sion has such a kind and gentle presence, which helped me so much through this journey. During our one-to-one sessions, Sion held space for whatever was coming up for me in that moment, and by following his example, and the mindfulness practices, I learnt to do the same for myself. This journey has helped me to build resilience and compassion for myself. I feel now I am in a much better place to tackle the ups and downs of life.

Lucy, Sheffield

"I went into the program knowing only a little about meditation. I felt very anxious and worried about things and also suffered some flashbacks from past traumas. Going through the programme, building up my meditation every day and having 1:1 sessions with Sion has been life-changing for me. I enjoyed the course content, it has given me a thirst to learn more. I meditate most days now and the course has certainly made me a happier and less anxious person. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would do it again in a heartbeat." -

Rhiannon, Cardiff

This program was so worthwhile and beneficial. Sion is supportive, knowledgeable, kind and non-judgemental. He's able to explain complex concepts in straightforward language and provide some 'lightbulb moments' of understanding. I've come away better equipped to manage anxiety and negative thought patterns in all sorts of situations.

Liz, Liverpool

Thanks to Sion’s guidance, I’ve experienced more restful sleep than I have in years. His ability to blend mindfulness with practical techniques is outstanding.

Guest Review

I thought the whole process and concept of the programme was very well constructed and well thought of and I liked how there were a variety of things to do on a weekly basis. The programme has instilled in me a daily habit of strategies to manage anxiety and I currently do feel a lot better and calmer, having completed the programme.

Charlotte, Leeds

(Welsh language testimonial) Mae'n gwrs da sy'n cyfuno ioga, meddylgarwch ac yn cyflwyno pynciau hollol berthnasol. Does dim ateb rhwydd a cyflym ar gael i leihau gorbryder a gorfeddwl ond mae'r cwrs yma, dan arweiniad cyfeillgar a phrofiadol Sion, yn cynnig sylfaen a chryfder i chi ymdopi a gwella. Rydyn ni gyd yn haeddu rhoi yr amser i ni'n hunain i wneud y cwrs a dechrau cael ioga a meddylgarwch yn rhan o'ch bywyd am byth. Byddwch yn diolch i chi'ch hun yn y pendraw. Trueni na wnes i'r cwrs yma flynyddoedd yn ôl!

Manon, Caerfyrddin

Sion’s calming presence and deep understanding of mindfulness and yoga made a huge difference in my sleep and overall well-being. His Yoga Nidra sessions were transformative.

Retreat Participant